Bret Wanty
Director of EHS/HR


The health and safety of our employees is our highest priority. We are fully committed to incorporating safe work practices into our day-to-day operations and believe in the continuous improvement of our safety program. Comprehensive and recurring training coupled with documented processes and site specific safety plans ensure our employees have the required awareness, method plans, tools, and equipment to avoid these risks and perform their work safely.

Planning for Safety

Western considers injury and accident prevention to be the most important phase of project planning. In order to identify and mitigate safety and health hazards, we have developed management systems and processes that cover every phase of a project. From the pre-bid job walk to closeout and demobilization, Western’s employees are aware of the constant risks. Detailed, step-by-step processes ensure our employees have the required training, tools, and equipment to avoid these risks and perform work safely.

We also recognize the importance and benefits of incorporating site-specific customer safety requirements into daily work plans. Our employees are responsible for adhering to these standards and for integrating safety and health practices into all activities, no matter how repetitive or mundane they might seem.

When planning project safety, Western partners with other industry safety professionals and compliance experts. We believe another “set of eyes” further enhances our safety program, helps to minimize risks, and creates a collaboration of experience and knowledge from multiple resources to meet our goals of maintaining a safe work environment.


Employee safety training is an essential part of our best practices, which is why we have developed a systematic, new-hire safety orientation process that includes hazard awareness and accident prevention training. We also conduct annual safety refresher training and require employee participation as part of maintaining a positive work culture.

Our employees benefit from various training instruction, including web-based safety training. All employees are encouraged to expand their awareness and education by utilizing our extensive safety library.


Whether your project is large or small, straightforward or complex, Western's lifecycle capabilities are at your service.

Phone: 303-371-3714


25755 E 65th Ave.
Aurora, CO 80019

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